Top 3 Ways Video Content Marketing Can Boost Your Business in 2021


Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google? It’s become pretty clear how important video has become for businesses, regardless of size, in more recent years. If you’re not using video content marketing as part of your marketing strategy, you’re not alone, but you are missing out on its many benefits.

Content marketing is the creation of content that is usually informative or educational, tailored to those within your target audience and the type of information they’re seeking. While many businesses do this through blogs, email, social media, and more, many are skipping out on the importance of utilizing video in their content marketing strategy.

At Jetblack Creative, a marketing content production company serving Fort Collins, CO and Denver, CO, we specialize in corporate video and have seen firsthand how video content has benefited our clients. Below we’ll briefly discuss how video content marketing can boost your business in 2021.

Builds trust and credibility

Building trust and credibility with your audience is a key component to gaining customer loyalty and increasing conversions. People are more likely to spend their money with a business that they trust. When you put out video content with the intention of helping and educating your potential customers, they start to view you as a trustworthy authority in your industry.


Influences your audience

With video content marketing, you can also influence your audience in the way they think and, ultimately, in their buying decisions. Depending on what industry your business is in, educating your audience about your industry will eventually allow you to influence their view of your business or your industry. Providing them with the correct and most up-to-date information allows potential buyers to better understand the product or service you’re providing and this can be done so much more easily with video than with any other type of content.

influence your audience

Allows your business to stand out against competitors

Even though it’s pretty well known that video is becoming increasingly necessary to be successful in business, many businesses aren’t making the effort to use video content marketing to their advantage. Many assume that the way they’ve always done business is good enough or that it’s too complicated or expensive to start implementing video marketing into their strategy. Because we know that people tend to prefer video over text, and there are still many businesses that aren’t taking advantage of this yet, jumping into using video in your business will allow you to have a huge advantage over your competitors who are resisting video.

Using video in your business, especially in the form of video content marketing, is a worthwhile strategy that will certainly benefit your business in many ways. From building trust and influencing your audience to standing out against your competitors, video can help transform your business and Jetblack Creative would love to help you produce videos for your business.


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